Sunday, October 07, 2007

Nursery lessons, "Come, Thou Fount", "How Great Thou Art" with the Korean choir

  1. My oldest daughter made a new friend today. She worked in the nursery this morning, and I think that maybe little Samuel has a bit of a crush on her now. She told me that the lesson of the day was that there were enough bouncy balls for everyone, so we don't have to fight, we can just play with our own bouncy ball. I'm glad that she's finally learned that lesson.

  2. Because of nursery duty, we ended up going to the church the girls like, and then to the Methodist church for communion for second service. In the AG church, the pastor was telling a story that we already knew about Robert Robinson who wrote one of my favorite hymns, "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing." Except that the pastor called it "Come, Thou Fount of Many Blessings." I thought that was a bit odd. Then the organist played it for the recessional at the Methodist church. That was nice.

  3. I heard "How Great Thou Art" on my CD player driving into church, and then they sang that at the AG church (which is weird because they almost never sing hymns), and then we heard it again at the Methodist church, except in Korean. It's World Communion Sunday, according to the Methodists, so in honor of that, they had a guest choir come from a Korean church. Very cool. They were wearing traditional dresses. I wish they were in style like that all the time. Those dresses would be great for hiding a large back-side.


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