Growing up, my dad always wanted us to wear orange instead of green for St. Patrick's Day because we were Irish Protestants and not Catholics. It was difficult to buck against the peer-pressure for wearing green when I was younger, and it didn't help that I didn't own much orange. Orange is not my color. But as I get older, I find it easier to wear orange. So Daddy, for you, a very orange St. Patrick's Day at our house.
- Now I always have something orange to wear because I have an orange ribbon to remind everyone about the importance of leukemia research.

- My Dad's favorite dwarf, Doc, also wears orange for St. Patrick's Day

- My youngest daughter's panda (whose name is Leo, after my dad) wears orange for St. Patrick's Day, too

P.S. My oldest went with a more traditional approach with her braces this month, but if you drink enough orange drink and eat enough orange jello, you can get your teeth and tongue to be orange.